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Or feel free to scroll through our Person Index.  Please note there are over 40,000 individual records.

This information was sourced from two GEDCOM databases compiled from two sources.


The Associated Clan MacLeod Society genealogical sources & records created around the year 2004

The Clan MacLeod society USA records which were from an early version of a CMS USA Migration database created around the year 2004

Ancestors and Descendants of Leod, progenitor of Clan MacLeod

Displaying 701 - 800
RebeccaABT 1850 - 63141
Rita - 63146
Rita Mae - 63148
Rita Mae - 63147
Robert - 59041
Robert Ii - 59042
RoderickBEF 1284 - AFT 134459043
Roderick - 59044
Rosa MatildaABT 1870 - 63149
Rosa MatildaABT 1870 - 63150
Rose - 63151
Rose1808 - 7 FEB 187863152
Rowena MaudABT 1880 - 63154
Rowena MaudABT 1880 - 63153
RuthABT 1870 - 63155
Ruth - 63156
Ruth - 63157
Ruth - 63159
RuthABT 1870 - 63158
Ruth C - 59666
Ruth C - 63160
Rylis - 63161
Rylis - 63162
SabrinaABT 1860 - 63163
SabrinaABT 1860 - 63164
SadieABT 1870 - 63168
SadieABT 1870 - 63167
SadieABT 1875 - 63165
SadieABT 1875 - 63166
SallieABT 1870 - 63170
SallieABT 1870 - 63169
Sally - 63172
Sally - 63171
Sarafin AugustaABT 1845 - 63173
Sarafin AugustaABT 1845 - 63174
SarahABT 1735 - 63197
SarahABT 1840 - 63196
Sarah1810 - 63200
SarahABT 1840 - 63198
SarahABT 1760 - 63182
SarahABT 1870 - 63179
SarahABT 1870 - 63187
SarahABT 1840 - 63199
SarahABT 1790 - 63185
SarahABT 1880 - 63183
SarahABT 1760 - 63178
SarahABT 1830 - 63194
SarahABT 1840 - 63195
Sarah1867 - 193063188
Sarah1810 - 63190
SarahABT 1830 - 63177
SarahABT 1820 - 63181
SarahABT 1760 - 63192
SarahABT 1820 - 63184
SarahABT 1860 - 63175
SarahABT 1745 - 63186
Sarah1818 - 63176
SarahABT 1800 - 63193
Sarah1867 - 193063180
SarahABT 1860 - 63189
SarahABT 1800 - 63191
Sarah EuniceABT 1870 - 63201
Sarah EuniceABT 1870 - 63202
SavannahABT 1860 - 63203
SavannahABT 1860 - 63204
Sherry - 63205
Sigurd Sow [Syr] - 59045
Simon - 59046
SophiaABT 1845 - 63206
Stella - 63207
Stella - 63208
Stephanie - 59047
Sue - 63209
Sue - 63210
SusanABT 1840 - 63215
SusanABT 1840 - 63211
SusanABT 1850 - 63214
SusanABT 1800 - 63212
SusanABT 1850 - 63213
Susannah9 NOV 1810 - 63216
SusieABT 1885 - 63219
SusieABT 1840 - 63218
SusieABT 1840 - 63217
TabithaABT 1720 - 63220
Tekla - 63221
TemperanceABT 1745 - 63222
TemperanceABT 1745 - 63223
Teresa - 63224
Teresa - 63225
Texson - 63226
Texson - 63227
Thelma - 63228
Thelma - 63230
Thelma - 63229
Theresa1867 - 59048
Thomas - 59049
ThomasineABT 1885 - 63231
Unknown - 61630
VenettaABT 1890 - 71280
Vicki - 71281
Displaying 701 - 800