b: BEF 1205
d: AFT 1228
!SOURCE: George Crawfurd, Esq., THE PEERAGE OF SCOTLAND, Edinburgh,
1716, p. 229ff.
Reginald always design''d filius Sorleti, and promiscously Dominus de
Ergyle & Inchegal (Charta fundationis Monasterii de Sandal in publicis
Archivis & Chartulario Monasterii Pasletensis.) He was a prodigious
Benefactor to the Church, when the Faith of the Age was, That whatever
was given to the Church and the Clergy, did not a little Merit with God
Almighty, for he founded the Abbey of Sandale within his own Territory
of Kntyre for Cistertian Monks (Monasticon Scoticanum penes me MS.),
and mortified thereunto the Lands of Glassaddill and Baltebean, together
with the Lands of Casken in the Island of Arran (Charta Confirmationis in
Rotulis Jacobi IV Davidi Episcopo Lismoren. Abbaciae de Sandal
annexatum Episcopatui fuo Anno 1507.): and to the Monastery of Paisly he
gave very great and ample Donations that he and Fonia his Wife be
entitul''d to all the Privileges of Brotherhood in that Convetn, ando f
the whole Rights and Order of Cluny (Chartula Pasletensis penes
Comitem de Dundonald.), when or where he passed from this to another
Life, does not appear to me; but he left a Son behind him to inherit his
Estates, Dovenald.
!SOURCE: Sir Robert Douglas of Glenbervie, Esq., THE PEERAGE OF
SCOTLAND, Edinburgh, 1764?, p. 358ff.
II. Reginald, son of Somerled, was also designed king of the Isles; but
it does
not appear from our histories, that he gave any disturbance to king
William, who succeeded Malcolm, anno 1165, yet he never acknowledged
him to be his superior, but entered into a league with the king of England
against his country, as an independent prince.
He was very liberal in his donations to the religious.
He founded and endowed the abbay of Sandale in Kintyre, and is then
designed Reginaldus filius Somerledi, insularum rex, &c.
He made several other donations to the monastery of Paisley, under the
same designation, with the addition of domius de Ergyle et Inchgall.
He got a safe conduct from king John, Reginaldo regi insularum,
veniendi in Angliam, et ab Anglia redeundi, &c. anno 1206.
He afterwards became a liegeman, and subject of the king England, pro
toto tempore vitae fuae, anno 1212.
By Fonia, his wife, he left issue two sons.
1. Dovenald
2. Roderick, to whom he gave the lands of Kintyre, and in a donation to
the abbacy of Sandale, he is designed Rodericus de Kintyre, filius
Reginaldi, &c. which is confirmed by a charter under the great seal, anno
1507. He had a son Alan, who was one of the Scotch nobles that bound
themselves to stand by, and receive for their queen and sovereign,
Margaret, daughter of the king of Norway, failing male issue of king
Alexander, &c. anno 1284, and is then designed Alanus filius Rotherici,
Reginald was succeeded by his elders son.
!SOURCE: Sir Robert Douglas of Glenbervie, Bart., THE PEERAGE OF
SCOTLAND, Vol. 2, Second Edition, John Philip Wood, Esq., Editor,
Edinburgh, 1813, p. 5.
II. Reginald, son and successor of Somerled, was designed King of Man
and the Isles. Reginald, King of Man, was received under the protection
of John, King of England, 8th February 1205. John granted a safe conduct
to Reginald, King of the Isles, cognato nostro, to come into England, 8th
February 1206. Reginald, King of the Isles, became liegeman to King
John, against all mortals, and took the oath of fidelity, 16th May 1212. A
safe conduct was granted to the King of the Isles, 16th January 1218, to
come into England to do homage to King Henry III., and to repair the
excesses committed against Henry''s subjects, both in England and in
Ireland. He founded the Abbey of Sadale, or Sandale, in Kintyre, for
monks of the Cistertian order. A charter was granted to the Bishop of
Lismore, 1st Janury 1507, confirming two evidents made by Reginald,
(the son of Somerled, qui se Regem Insularum nominavit,) Lord of Ergyle
and of Kintyre, founder of the monastery of Sagadull, of the lands of
Glensagadull, and twelve marks of the lands of Ballebeain, in the
Lordship of Kintyre, and of twenty marks of lands of Cosken, in Arran, to
the said abbey. He made very ample donations to the monastery of
Paisley, that he, dn Fonia his wife, might be entitled to all the privileges
of brotherhood in the convent. He had, it is presumed, three sons,
1. Olavus, or Olaus, King of Man and the Isles. A safe conduct was
granted to Olavus, King of Man and the Isles, to come into England, 12th
April 1228.
2. Dovenald.
3. Roderick, to whom his father gave the lands of Kintyre. The
before-mentioned charter to the Bishop of Lismore, in 1507, confirms an
evident made by Roderick, son of the said Reginald, Lord of Argyll and
Kintyre, to the monastery of Sadale, of the lands of Glentersadull and
Ugladull, in the lordship of Kintyre. Alang, filius Rotherici, his son, ws
one of the Scotish nobles who, in 1284, bound themselves to
acknowledge Margaret of Norway for their sovereign, in the event of the
demise of King Alexander III. A charter of the lands of Kintail wias
granted to Reginald, son of Roderick de Insulis, by William, Earl of Ross,
confirmed 4th July 1342. Reginald, son of Roderic de Insulis, had a
charter from King David II. of the island of Ywest, Barre, Egghe, Roumme,
and the lands of Mudeworth, Mordhower, Aresayg, and Cundeworth, 12th
June 1344.
Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1977, pp. 175-178.
!SOURCE: Alick Morrison, THE CHIEFS OF CLAN MACLEOD, East Kilbride,
Scotland, Associate Clan MacLeod Societies,1986, p. 13.
  • BEF 1205 - Birth -
  • AFT 1228 - Death -
BEF 1205 - AFT 1228
Family Group Sheet - Child
BirthBEF 1141
Death1164 Renfrew,,Scotland
Marriageto Aufrica
MarriageABT 1140to Ragnhildis
PARENT (F) Ragnhildis
MarriageABT 1140to Somerled MacGHILLEBRIGHDE
FatherOlaf_I The_Red Godredson
BirthBEF 1205
DeathAFT 1228
MDugald [Dungall] MacGHILLEBRIGHDE