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Or feel free to scroll through our Person Index.  Please note there are over 40,000 individual records.

This information was sourced from two GEDCOM databases compiled from two sources.


The Associated Clan MacLeod Society genealogical sources & records created around the year 2004

The Clan MacLeod society USA records which were from an early version of a CMS USA Migration database created around the year 2004

Ancestors and Descendants of Leod, progenitor of Clan MacLeod

Displaying 1101 - 1200
AndersonDoraABT 1850 - 71494
AndersonDorothy - 59129
AndersonDorothy - 71495
AndersonDorothy - 59671
AndersonDorothy E. - 59130
AndersonDr. - 59131
AndersonElizabeth - 59132
AndersonElizabethBEF 1837 - 71497
AndersonElizabethBEF 1837 - 71496
AndersonFlorence Amy1890 - 59133
AndersonForrest - 71498
AndersonForrest - 71499
AndersonGrace Marie - 71501
AndersonGrace Marie - 71500
AndersonHenry Aitken - 59134
AndersonIsabella - 7 OCT 192359135
AndersonJ. H. - 59136
AndersonJames - 59137
AndersonJohn1740 - 59138
AndersonJohn Macnabb1891 - 59139
AndersonKen - 59140
AndersonLillian Julia - 71503
AndersonLillian Julia - 71502
AndersonLouisa Abegail - 59141
AndersonMargaretABT 1840 - 71506
AndersonMargaretABT 1845 - 71510
AndersonMargaretABT 1845 - 71504
AndersonMargaretABT 1740 - 71511
AndersonMargaretABT 1740 - 71509
AndersonMargaretABT 1810 - 71508
AndersonMargaretABT 1840 - 71505
AndersonMargaretABT 1810 - 71507
AndersonMarjory1895 - 59142
AndersonMary - 59143
AndersonMary JeanetteABT 1840 - 71513
AndersonMary JeanetteABT 1840 - 71512
AndersonMary Jobina18 JUL 1839 - 59144
AndersonMaud - 59145
AndersonMiles1800 - 59147
AndersonMiles1763 - 59146
AndersonNeil - 59148
AndersonNorman - 71515
AndersonNorman - 71514
AndersonNorrie - 59149
AndersonPamela Mary - 59150
AndersonRaymond C28 JUL 1911 - 30 SEP 194271516
AndersonRaymond C28 JUL 1911 - 30 SEP 194271517
AndersonRichard J.1785 - 59151
AndersonRuby - 71518
AndersonSara Ann1837 - 59152
AndersonSarah RebeccaABT 1840 - 71519
AndersonSarah RebeccaABT 1840 - 71520
AndersonThomas Stewart - 59153
AndersonVeatrice - 71521
AndersonVeatrice - 71522
AndersonWayne Charles - 59154
AndersonWendy - 59155
AndersonWilliam Burwell - 71523
AndersonWilliam Burwell - 59672
Anderson[Son] - 59156
AndrewHarryABT 1875 - 71524
AndrewHarryABT 1875 - 71525
AndrewRev. Allan R. - 59157
AndrewsAdolphus - 71527
AndrewsAdolphus - 71526
AndrewsAllied Family - 71528
AndrewsEdgar - 71529
AndrewsEdgar - 71530
AndrewsEliza Jane1852 - 194771531
AndrewsElma - 71532
AndrewsGrenville Greville - 59158
AndrewsHastings - 59159
AndrewsJim - 71534
AndrewsJim - 71533
AndrewsLauraABT 1885 - 71536
AndrewsLauraABT 1885 - 71535
AndrewsMarianne - 71537
AndrewsMary AnnABT 1850 - 71538
AndrewsMr - 71539
AndrewsMr. - 59160
AndrewsMuriel - 71540
AndrewsMuriel - 71541
AndrewsNancy EleanorABT 1850 - 71542
AndrewsPollyABT 1770 - 71544
AndrewsPollyABT 1770 - 71543
AndrewsSamuelABT 1825 - 71545
AndrieuSue Ellen - 71547
AndrieuSue Ellen - 71546
AngelRonald - 71548
AngenotEdward Laurent Donald2 AUG 1943 - 59161
AngenotLaurent Matthieu Joseph - 59162
AngenotProfessor_Ir Hubert Joseph - 59163
AngenotRaoul Edward Rhymond31 AUG 1946 - 59164
AnglinBarbara - 71549
AnglinBarbara - 71550
AngsterMaryann - 71551
AngsterMaryann - 71552
AngusMargaretABT 1840 - 71554
AngusMargaretABT 1840 - 71553
AnnesleyArthur - 59165
Displaying 1101 - 1200