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This information was sourced from GEDCOM databases compiled from The Associated Clan MacLeod Society genealogical sources & records created around the year 2004
Displaying 39801 - 39900
Surname | Name | Dates | Link |
Whitehead | Mary | ABT 1870 - | 62769 |
Whiteway | Catherine Lynn | - | 62772 |
Whiteway | Catherine Lynn | - | 62771 |
Whiteway | John | ABT 1850 - | 62773 |
Whiteway | John | ABT 1850 - | 62774 |
Whiteway | Robert | 1830 - 1918 | 62775 |
Whiteway | Robert | 1830 - 1918 | 59560 |
Whitmore | Phyllis | - | 62777 |
Whitmore | Phyllis | - | 62776 |
Whitney | Lucretia | ABT 1800 - | 62778 |
Whitney | Lucretia | ABT 1800 - | 62779 |
Whitney | Mary Blanche | ABT 1870 - | 62781 |
Whitney | Mary Blanche | ABT 1870 - | 62780 |
Whitridge | Mr. | ABT 1800 - | 62783 |
Whitridge | Mr. | ABT 1800 - | 62782 |
Whitson | Grace | - | 62784 |
Whynot | Evelina | - | 59561 |
Wicker | George Robert | 11 APR 1895 - 25 AUG 1977 | 62785 |
Wicklund | Alice | ABT 1870 - | 62786 |
Wicklund | Alice | ABT 1870 - | 62787 |
Wicklund | Jacob | ABT 1850 - | 62788 |
Wicklund | Jacob | ABT 1850 - | 62789 |
Wicks | Jacob R | ABT 1805 - | 62791 |
Wicks | Jacob R | ABT 1805 - | 62790 |
Widsom | William | ABT 1818 - | 62792 |
Widsom | William | ABT 1818 - | 62793 |
Wiffen | Joan | - | 62795 |
Wiffen | Joan | - | 62794 |
Wiggett | Allan James | 1896 - | 59562 |
Wiggett | Henry Edward Allan | 1895 - 1942 | 59563 |
Wiggett | Leslie Grace | 1897 - | 59564 |
Wiggins | Beulah | ABT 1880 - | 62796 |
Wiggins | Beulah | ABT 1880 - | 62797 |
Wiggins | Corcia C | - | 62798 |
Wiggins | James H | ABT 1870 - | 62799 |
Wiggs | Janet | - | 62801 |
Wiggs | Janet | - | 62800 |
Wigington | Viola | ABT 1880 - | 62802 |
Wigington | Viola | ABT 1880 - | 62803 |
Wiitamaki | Elaine Tekla | - | 62804 |
Wilcox | Danelle Kristine | 11 DEC 1964 - | 59565 |
Wilcox | Elizabeth | ABT 1855 - | 62806 |
Wilcox | Elizabeth | ABT 1855 - | 62805 |
Wilcox | Margaret | - | 62807 |
Wilcox | Margaret | - | 62808 |
Wilcox | Melvina | ABT 1880 - 18 OCT 1954 | 62809 |
Wilcox | Melvina | ABT 1880 - 18 OCT 1954 | 62810 |
Wilcox | Nettie S. | ABT 1860 - | 62811 |
Wilcox | Nettie S. | ABT 1860 - | 62812 |
Wild | Molly | ABT 1870 - | 62813 |
Wild | Molly | ABT 1870 - | 62814 |
Wilder | Lorene | - | 62815 |
Wilds | Annie | - | 62816 |
Wilds | Annie | - | 62817 |
Wiley | Emeline | 9 FEB 1834 - 30 NOV 1902 | 62819 |
Wiley | Emeline | 9 FEB 1834 - 30 NOV 1902 | 62818 |
Wiley | Ruth Ellen | - | 62820 |
Wiley | Ruth Ellen | - | 62821 |
Wilfong | Lula C | - | 62823 |
Wilfong | Lula C | - | 62822 |
Wilke | Arlie Dale | - | 62825 |
Wilke | Arlie Dale | - | 62824 |
Wilke | Elizabeth | ABT 1775 - | 62826 |
Wilkerson | Elizabeth | ABT 1815 - | 62827 |
Wilkerson | Elizabeth | ABT 1815 - | 62828 |
Wilkerson | Thelma Ruth | - | 62829 |
Wilkerson | Thelma Ruth | - | 62830 |
Wilkes | Allied Family | - | 62831 |
Wilkin | Zula | - | 62832 |
Wilking | Margaret F | 1901 - 1969 | 62833 |
Wilking | Margaret F | 1901 - 1969 | 62834 |
Wilkins | Fred | - | 62836 |
Wilkins | Fred | - | 62835 |
Wilkins | Mr. | - | 62838 |
Wilkins | Mr. | - | 62837 |
Wilkinson | Bartlett | ABT 1800 - | 62839 |
Wilkinson | Bartlett | ABT 1800 - | 62840 |
Wilkinson | Josephine | ABT 1850 - | 62842 |
Wilkinson | Josephine | - | 59566 |
Wilkinson | Josephine | ABT 1850 - | 62841 |
Wilkinson | William | 10 JAN 1830 - 1911 | 62843 |
Wilkinson | William | 10 JAN 1830 - 1911 | 62844 |
Willets | Esther J | - | 62845 |
Willets | Mr. | ABT 1880 - | 62846 |
Willets | Mr. | ABT 1880 - | 62847 |
Willett | Pauline | - | 59567 |
Willey | Nathaniel W | ABT 1890 - | 62848 |
Willey | Nathaniel W | ABT 1890 - | 62849 |
Willey | Nathaniel Wheelock | - | 59568 |
Williams | Adeline Melissie | ABT 1815 - | 62851 |
Williams | Adeline Melissie | ABT 1815 - | 62850 |
Williams | Allied Family | - | 62852 |
Williams | Ava Ida | - | 62853 |
Williams | Ava Ida | - | 62854 |
Williams | Betty Wayne | 12 AUG 1929 - | 59569 |
Williams | Brian David | - | 59570 |
Williams | Cheryl Ann | - | 59571 |
Williams | Elliot | - | 62856 |
Williams | Elliot | - | 62855 |
Williams | Emily | 1821 - 3 FEB 1890 | 62858 |
Displaying 39801 - 39900