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This information was sourced from GEDCOM databases compiled from The Associated Clan MacLeod Society genealogical sources & records created around the year 2004
Displaying 39601 - 39700
Surname | Name | Dates | Link |
Webster | Violet | ABT 1880 - | 63395 |
Webster | Violet | ABT 1880 - | 63394 |
Wedgeworth | D.w.m. | 1860 - 1891 | 63397 |
Wedgeworth | D.w.m. | 1860 - 1891 | 63396 |
Weed | Ora | ABT 1885 - | 63398 |
Weed | Ora | ABT 1885 - | 63399 |
Weeks | Eliza Ann | ABT 1830 - | 63401 |
Weeks | Eliza Ann | ABT 1830 - | 63400 |
Weeks | Gladys A | - | 63402 |
Weeks | Gladys A | - | 63403 |
Weeks | Harriett | ABT 1820 - | 63405 |
Weeks | Harriett | ABT 1820 - | 63404 |
Weems | Isabel | - | 59984 |
Weems | Sir John | - | 59985 |
Weigel | Clara | 6 SEP 1880 - 27 JUN 1938 | 63407 |
Weigel | Clara | 6 SEP 1880 - 27 JUN 1938 | 63406 |
Weissenger | Eliz. | - | 63409 |
Weissenger | Eliz. | - | 63408 |
Weissinger | Horace | - | 63410 |
Weissinger | Horace | - | 63411 |
Welburn | William | ABT 1855 - | 63412 |
Welch | Allied Family | - | 63413 |
Welch | Clarence Junnie | ABT 1880 - | 63415 |
Welch | Clarence Junnie | ABT 1880 - | 63414 |
Welch | James William | ABT 1860 - | 63417 |
Welch | James William | ABT 1860 - | 63416 |
Welch | Junnie Clarence | 28 OCT 1912 - OCT 1991 | 63419 |
Welch | Junnie Clarence | 28 OCT 1912 - OCT 1991 | 63418 |
Welch | Sadie | ABT 1885 - | 63420 |
Welchel | Francis Marion | ABT 1845 - | 63421 |
Welchel | Ruth | ABT 1875 - | 63422 |
Welchel | Ruth Jane | ABT 1860 - | 63423 |
Welford | George W. | ABT 1880 - | 63424 |
Welford | George W. | ABT 1880 - | 63425 |
Wellington | Allen I | ABT 1890 - | 63426 |
Wellington | Allen I | ABT 1890 - | 63427 |
Wellington | Mildred Jean | - | 63429 |
Wellington | Mildred Jean | - | 63428 |
Wellington | Mr. | ABT 1875 - | 63430 |
Wellington | Mr. | ABT 1875 - | 63431 |
Wellintin | Emil | ABT 1880 - | 63432 |
Wellintin | Emil | ABT 1880 - | 63433 |
Wellintin | Gertrude E | - | 59986 |
Wellintin | Gertrude E | - | 63434 |
Wells | Elizabeth | ABT 1710 - | 63436 |
Wells | Elizabeth | ABT 1710 - | 63435 |
Wells | Harry | ABT 1880 - | 63437 |
Wells | Harry | ABT 1880 - | 63438 |
Wells | Hollie | 18 JAN 1795 - MAY 1880 | 63440 |
Wells | Hollie | 18 JAN 1795 - MAY 1880 | 63439 |
Wells | James | ABT 1890 - | 63441 |
Wells | Joseph | ABT 1800 - | 63443 |
Wells | Joseph | ABT 1800 - | 63442 |
Wells | Nancy | ABT 1777 - 10 MAY 1859 | 63444 |
Wells | Oliver | 13 JUN 1830 - | 63445 |
Wells | Oliver | 13 JUN 1830 - | 63446 |
Wells | Peter | - | 63447 |
Wells | Robert | - | 63449 |
Wells | Robert | - | 63448 |
Wells | Samuel | 28 SEP 1769 - | 63450 |
Wells | Samuel | 28 SEP 1769 - | 63451 |
Welsh | Mr. | - | 62889 |
Welsh | Mr. | - | 62890 |
Welton | Erie Or Ely | ABT 1830 - | 62891 |
Welton | Erie Or Ely | ABT 1830 - | 62892 |
Welton | Mercy Gertrude | 17 MAR 1864 - 18 SEP 1939 | 62894 |
Welton | Mercy Gertrude | 17 MAR 1864 - 18 SEP 1939 | 62893 |
Wenger | Alan | - | 62895 |
Wenger | Alan | - | 62896 |
Wenger | Donald Rex | - | 62898 |
Wenger | Donald Rex | - | 62897 |
Wenger | Harry | - | 62899 |
Wensley | Hazel | ABT 1870 - | 62900 |
Wentworth | Diana | - | 59987 |
Wentworth | William | - | 59988 |
Wentworth | Xeno | ABT 1890 - | 62902 |
Wentworth | Xeno | ABT 1890 - | 62901 |
Werner | Allan Hamilton | - | 59989 |
Werner | Carol Joan | 1942 - | 59990 |
Werner | Janice Barbara | 1944 - | 59991 |
Werner | Russell James | 1949 - | 59992 |
West | Harriet Elizabeth | ABT 1870 - | 62903 |
West | Harriet Elizabeth | ABT 1870 - | 62904 |
West | Margaret | ABT 1850 - | 62905 |
West | Margaret | ABT 1850 - | 62906 |
West | Mary B | ABT 1835 - | 62908 |
West | Mary B | ABT 1835 - | 62907 |
West | Nathaniel | ABT 1840 - | 62910 |
West | Nathaniel | ABT 1840 - | 62909 |
Westall | Louise | - | 59993 |
Westall | Maria Virginia | 1899 - | 59994 |
Westall | T. Crockett | - | 59995 |
Westberry | John | ABT 1850 - | 62912 |
Westberry | John | ABT 1850 - | 62911 |
Wester | Joe | - | 59996 |
Westfall | Malvinia | ABT 1840 - | 62914 |
Westfall | Malvinia | ABT 1840 - | 62913 |
Westover | Elizabeth M | - | 62915 |
Westover | Elizabeth M | - | 62916 |
Westwick | Celiste | - | 59997 |
Displaying 39601 - 39700