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Or feel free to scroll through our Person Index. Please note there are over 40,000 individual records.
This information was sourced from two GEDCOM databases compiled from two sources.
The Associated Clan MacLeod Society genealogical sources & records created around the year 2004
The Clan MacLeod society USA records which were from an early version of a CMS USA Migration database created around the year 2004
Ancestors and Descendants of Leod, progenitor of Clan MacLeod
Displaying 901 - 1000
Surname | Name | Dates | Link |
Adams | Robert | ABT 1760 - | 71337 |
Adams | Robert | ABT 1775 - | 71336 |
Adams | William Lewis | ABT 1785 - | 71338 |
Adamson | Ian | - | 71339 |
Adamson | Ian | - | 71340 |
Adamson | Isabella | ABT 1880 - | 71341 |
Adamson | Isabella | ABT 1880 - | 71342 |
Adcock | Henry | ABT 1795 - | 71343 |
Adcock | Maranda | 10 NOV 1814 - 27 JAN 1892 | 71344 |
Addison | Peter | - | 59094 |
Adeane | Admiral Edward Stanley | 7 DEC 1836 - 18 OCT 1902 | 59095 |
Adeane | Henry John | - | 59096 |
Adeane | Henry Robert Augustus | 31 JUL 1882 - 2 NOV 1914 | 59097 |
Adeane | Michael Edward | 30 SEP 1910 - | 59098 |
Adkins | Mae | ABT 1890 - | 71345 |
Adkins | Mae | ABT 1890 - | 71346 |
Adler | Lloyd | - | 71347 |
Adviance | Harris Ely | - | 71348 |
Adviance | Harris Ely | - | 71349 |
Affeltranger | R. | - | 71350 |
Agnew | Andrew | - | 59099 |
Agnew | Eva Mary | - | 59100 |
Agnew | George Ross | 13 NOV 1974 - | 59101 |
Agnew | John | ABT 1760 - | 71352 |
Agnew | John | ABT 1760 - | 71351 |
Agnew | Kate Marjorie | 28 MAR 1972 - | 59102 |
Agnew | Maria Anne | (1789/1790) - | 71353 |
Agnew | Maria Anne | (1789/1790) - | 71354 |
Agnew | Mary Anne | - | 59103 |
Ahlgren | Harlan | - | 71355 |
Aigburth | Katherine | - | 59104 |
Aiken | Bessie Carter | ABT 1880 - | 71357 |
Aiken | Bessie Carter | ABT 1880 - | 71356 |
Aiker | Denver Pat | ABT 1890 - | 61632 |
Aiker | Denver Pat | ABT 1890 - | 71358 |
Aitken | Jane Christie | - | 59105 |
Aitken | Janet | 1 SEP 1777 - 20 DEC 1858 | 71360 |
Aitken | Janet | 1 SEP 1777 - 20 DEC 1858 | 71359 |
Aitken | John Christie | - | 59106 |
Aitken | William | ABT 1750 - | 71362 |
Aitken | William | ABT 1750 - | 71361 |
Ajeda | Judith Rose | - | 71363 |
Ajeda | Judith Rose | - | 59668 |
Akins | John N. | ABT 1860 - 3 JUL 1926 | 61633 |
Akins | John N. | ABT 1860 - 3 JUL 1926 | 71364 |
Akins | Wanda | - | 71366 |
Akins | Wanda | - | 71365 |
Albright | James Oscar | 11 FEB 1884 - | 71367 |
Albright | James Oscar | 11 FEB 1884 - | 71368 |
Albrook | Samuel Joseph | ABT 1885 - | 71369 |
Albrook | Samuel Joseph | ABT 1885 - | 71370 |
Albums | Lena | - | 71372 |
Albums | Lena | - | 71371 |
Alday | Mary | 15 FEB 1811 - 22 SEP 1905 | 71373 |
Alday | Mary | 15 FEB 1811 - 22 SEP 1905 | 71374 |
Alden | Sidney A | - | 71375 |
Aldrich | Lorenzo | ABT 1810 - | 71376 |
Aldrich | Lorenzo | ABT 1810 - | 71377 |
Alexander | E. Marvin | ABT 1880 - | 71378 |
Alexander | E. Marvin | ABT 1880 - | 71379 |
Alexander | Frances | ABT 1890 - | 71381 |
Alexander | Frances | ABT 1890 - | 71380 |
Alexander | Joyce | - | 71382 |
Alexander | Margaret | - | 59107 |
Alexander | Margaret | 1800 - | 71383 |
Alexander | Mary Deborah | ABT 1765 - | 71385 |
Alexander | Mary Deborah | ABT 1765 - | 71384 |
Alexander | William | ABT 1740 - | 71386 |
Alexander | William | ABT 1740 - | 71387 |
Alexander | William Marvin | - | 71389 |
Alexander | William Marvin | - | 71388 |
Alford | Jacob | ABT 1800 - | 71391 |
Alford | Jacob | ABT 1800 - | 71390 |
Alford | Jacob | - | 59108 |
Alford | James L | ABT 1825 - | 71393 |
Alford | James L | ABT 1825 - | 71392 |
Alford | John Mckay | ABT 1820 - | 71394 |
Alford | Katherine | - | 59109 |
Alford | Mary Ann | 1830 - 1903 | 71396 |
Alford | Mary Ann | 1830 - 1903 | 71395 |
Alford | Mary Ann | 24 APR 1830 - 1903 | 59110 |
Alford | Mary Or Kate | ABT 1825 - | 71398 |
Alford | Mary Or Kate | ABT 1825 - | 71397 |
Alford | Mr. | ABT 1800 - | 71400 |
Alford | Mr. | ABT 1800 - | 71399 |
Allain | Joseph Paul | - | 71402 |
Allain | Joseph Paul | - | 71401 |
Allan | Colin | - | 59111 |
Allan | Effie | - | 71403 |
Allard | Bonnie Pauline | - | 71405 |
Allard | Bonnie Pauline | - | 71404 |
Alldredge | Louise | - | 71406 |
Alldredge | Mr. | ABT 1880 - | 71407 |
Allen | Allied Family | - | 71408 |
Allen | Amanda | 7 AUG 1851 - 2 DEC 1918 | 71409 |
Allen | Andrew Jackson | ABT 1810 - | 71410 |
Allen | Andrew Jackson | ABT 1810 - | 59669 |
Allen | Asaph | 13 MAR 1788 - 14 JAN 1874 | 71413 |
Allen | Asaph | 13 MAR 1788 - 14 JAN 1874 | 71412 |
Allen | Asaph | ABT 1750 - | 71411 |
Displaying 901 - 1000